Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I'm a Theoblogian!

Back in 2004, I did an external theology unit called Introduction to the Bible through Moore College in Sydney with some fellow students from the Christian Union at my uni. We studied together and then sat the (optional) exam at the end of the term.

In 2005, when I was working full-time, I decided to do the next unit in the Preliminary Certificate of Theology which was New Testament 1. I hadn't done any units since then.....until now.

At the end of last year, I finally got around to enrolling for the next unit, Old Testament 1. This unit involves studying the pentaceuch (the first five books of the Bible). Despite being a Christian for over eight years now, I've never sat down and read Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy from beginning to end. There's some fascinating and mind-boggling stuff in those books and I'm learning heaps.

So why am I studying towards a theology certificate (which I'll finish in about two decades, I'm sure)? There are several reasons:
  • I've said many times on here that God's Word is important, yet I'm a hypocrite because I don't read it enough. I'm not talking about becoming legalistic, I'm talking about developing a real love for God through what he has revealed through the Scriptures. I want to be captivated, not lukewarm.
  • I don't want head knowledge; I want real life changes to occur. I want what I'm learning to impact my life. Otherwise I'm just puffing myself up.
  • I want to share what I'm learning with others by either inspiring them to do more study themselves or to help them read and understand the Bible better. I don't consider myself a great teacher or a great leader, but I'm opening myself up to God and saying, "Use me..."
  • Certain conversations have made me more wary about the number of false teachers within the church. I don't want to be tossed about like a wave by whatever teaching I hear. I want to stand firm in the truth of the gospel.
If you want to go to Bible college in some way, but don't want to do a full-on degree, then I highly recommend doing some external studies through Moore. You can study at home at your own pace, but they also offer online support where you can interact with other external students via online forums. If the word 'theology' makes you freak out, it need not. Anyone can study these units; they are not for academics, they are for the average joe. Let me encourage you to give one a go. Visit the external studies website for more information.
Maybe I'll be able to answer my own questions on Calling All Theoblogians soon......or maybe not, that's what I need you all for. :)

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