Wednesday, August 05, 2015

5 Things We've Been Up To Lately

1.  We went to a fantastic Christian conference in Perth in mid July.  Having a toddler in tow meant either Duncan and I had to spend time in the parenting room while the other went to the talks, but it was still a great time.  Here's Rory at a park in Fremantle while Duncan was at one of the sessions.

2.  We celebrated Duncan's 34th birthday on the 21st July.  This is the farm-themed cake I made for him (about the extent of my novelty cake-making ability).  Rory was NOT impressed that I borrowed his toys.

3.  I went away for a weekend by myself.  For the last two Mother's Days I've been telling Duncan that the best present I could receive was some time out/a mental health weekend/a 'Sarah retreat'.  So, I finally went away to Albany and housesat my parents' house while they were away.  It was a lovely time.  So quiet....but I did miss my fellows.

4.  I had my hair cut off.  I figured I'll be going through another postnatal moult soon enough and having a little bubba grab your hair while feeding is not very pleasant.

5.  We went to Dunsborough last weekend to see Duncan's family before the bubba is born.  Unfortunately Duncan had the flu so he missed out on seeing his relatives.  I took Rory out and about a bit.  He had a ball catching up with one of his 'besties', Sarah.

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